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Tending Your First Garden: Practical Advice for Success

Image from Unsplash

Article by Maggie Berry

Planning to start your very own garden? Congratulations! Not only is gardening a great way to practice self-sufficiency and eat delish veggies, but research also shows that it helps boost cardiovascular health and overall fulfillment. So - what exactly should you do when planting your first garden to ensure success? Isa’s Garden Charities shares some essential advice.

Garden Placement

When planning your garden, one of the first things you need to do is decide where to put it. The location of your garden will determine how much sun or shade it gets, how easy it is to water, and what kind of soil you have. You may want to put your garden on a deck or patio if you have a small yard. If you have a larger yard, putting it in a sunny spot close to a water source will be the way to go.

In addition, consider your soil quality when deciding on placement. For example, putting it in a sunnier area will be more prudent if you have sandy soil. In contrast, a shadier place would be better suited if your garden has clay soil.

Deciding What to Grow

There are many factors to consider when deciding what to grow in your garden. According to National Geographic, the climate and soil type in your area will determine what plants will thrive. Consider what fruits, vegetables, or flowers you and your family enjoy eating or looking at - and go from there. You may also want to choose plants that attract pollinators or provide homes for beneficial insects to ensure the longevity of your garden. Once you know what you want to grow, research the best varieties for your area and start planning your garden!

Expanding Your Garden

Once you’ve played around with gardening strategies, you might need more space to meet your needs. You can expand your garden with new varieties of plants by participating in a seed exchange – reach out to Isa’s Garden Charities to take the first step!

Whether you want your garden to yield more or want more room to walk around and admire your flowers, finding a home with a larger property may be worthwhile, especially if your current home doesn’t have enough space for a garden. When searching for a new home, establish a budget based on your annual income and monthly debts.

Essential Tools

Every gardener needs a few essential tools to get the job done. These include a trowel for digging, a rake for leveling soil, and a watering can or hose for watering plants. Family Handyman writes that a spade may also be necessary for larger projects. To use these tools, simply dig a hole with the trowel, rake the soil to level it, and then water the plants. The spade can drill larger holes or turn over the ground for harder soil or specific gardening requirements as well.

Keeping Your Plants Healthy

Regarding gardening, a few key strategies can help ensure your plants and vegetables are healthy. First, ensure the area has well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Second, be sure to use quality seeds or transplants so your plants are off to a good start. Third, water your plants regularly and fertilize them as needed - following a regular schedule will be critical to happy plants. Lastly, pay attention to pest and disease problems and take steps to control them to ensure the longevity of your plants.

Hiring a Gardening Coach

Hiring a gardening coach can provide personalized guidance and support to help improve your gardening skills, increase your knowledge of plants and their care, and create a more sustainable and beautiful garden space. A gardening coach can also help you save time and money by avoiding common mistakes and implementing effective gardening practices.

What’s the first thing you’re going to plant in your garden? Whether it’s carrots or peonies, one thing is for sure - invest in quality tools and seeds to help ensure success! Another worthwhile investment will be to find a home with a larger property so you have all the space your beautiful garden needs!

Isa’s Garden Charities provides an open access exchange site for our members to obtain new plants simply by exchanging it for their excess seeds, plants, trees, scions, or cuttings. Contact us today to learn more!


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